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How to Add a New Destination Type in Tracardi

Integrating a new destination type in Tracardi enhances its functionality and customizability. This comprehensive guide provides a step-by-step approach to adding a new destination type, using Apache Pulsar as an example.

Detailed Steps

Step 1: Locate the Destination Code

  • The destination code resides in tracardi/process_engine/destination.

Step 2: Extend DestinationInterface

  • Your new destination class should extend DestinationInterface.
  • This interface offers a foundational structure for your destination class.
class DestinationInterface:
    # Constructor with essential parameters
    def __init__(self, debug: bool, resource: Resource, destination: Destination):
        # Initialization of properties
        self.destination = destination
        self.debug = debug
        self.resource = resource

    # Method to dispatch data to profiles
    async def dispatch_profile(self, data, profile: Profile, session: Session):

    # Method to dispatch data on events
    async def dispatch_event(self, data, profile: Profile, session: Session, event: Event):

Step 3: Implement Required Methods

  • Implement dispatch_profile and dispatch_event methods to manage data dispatching to the destination.

Step 4: Understand the Class Properties

  • Resource: Manages user-selected resource settings. See How to add resource for more details on how to add new resources if they are not defined already in the system.
  • Destination: Handles user-defined destination details.
  • debug: Indicates the debug mode status.

Step 5: Utilize Destination Object Properties

  • package: Name of the destination package.
  • init: Parameters for initializing destination configuration.
  • form: Form data structure.
  • description: Describes the destination.
  • enabled: Status of activation.
  • tags: Tags for categorization.
  • mapping: Details of data mapping.
  • condition: Conditions for triggering.
  • on_profile_change_only: Triggers on profile changes.
  • resource: Linked resource information.
  • event_type: Type of associated event.
  • source: Source entity details.

Step 6: Create a Pulsar Credentials Object and Pulsar topic.

We will need some objects in our example to keep the necessary data. We will need pulsar credentials to connect to credential server, and pulsar topic.

  • Define an object to store Apache Pulsar connection details.
class PulsarCredentials(BaseModel):
    host: str
    token: Optional[str] = None
  • Create an object for configuring Apache Pulsar topics.
class PulsarTopicConfiguration(BaseModel):
    topic: str

Step 7: Develop the Pulsar Connector

  • Implement the Pulsar connector class to handle communication with Apache Pulsar.
class PulsarConnector(DestinationInterface):
    def _dispatch(self, payload):
        # Exception handling and setup for Pulsar client
            # Credential selection based on debug mode
            credentials = self.resource.credentials.test if self.debug else self.resource.credentials.production
            credentials = PulsarCredentials(**credentials)

            # Retrieve and apply destination configuration
            init = self.destination.destination.init
            config = PulsarTopicConfiguration(**init)

            # Setting up the Apache Pulsar client
            if credentials.token:
                client = pulsar.Client(
                client = pulsar.Client(
            producer = client.create_producer(config.topic)
            payload = json.dumps(

        except Exception as e:
            raise e

    async def dispatch_profile(self, mapped_data, profile: Profile, session: Session):

    async def dispatch_event(self, mapped_data, profile: Profile, session: Session, event: Event):

Detailed Description

  • _dispatch method: Manages the data sending process to Pulsar. When you develop your destination here you may code the logic of your destination plugin. Usually it will be some connection to external system.
  • Authentication: Uses PulsarCredentials for Pulsar connection.
  • Credential Selection: Chooses credentials based on debug mode.
  • Configuration: Retrieves settings from PulsarTopicConfiguration.
  • Connection: Establishes a Pulsar client and sends the payload.

Sending Message to Pulsar

# Get Client
if credentials.token:
    client = pulsar.Client(,
    client = pulsar.Client(

# Get producer
producer = client.create_producer(config.topic)

# Encode payload
payload = json.dumps(

# Send
  • This code establishes the Apache Pulsar client and dispatches the payload to the specified topic.


Following this tutorial, you can effectively set up a new destination type in Tracardi, exemplified here with Apache Pulsar. Ensure your implementation complies with the DestinationInterface and its requirements. For further guidance, consult existing destination types or the Tracardi documentation for more insights.