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Python development environment

Software prerequisites

  • Docker
  • Python version 3.10.x
  • Pip
  • Python Virtual Environment
  • PyCharm
  • Git

Install the above software and we're ready to start.

Docker is required to start Tracardi storage (Elasticsearch) and Redis.

Launching Redis and Elasticsearch

Redis instance is required to start Tracardi.

Redis instance

Start Redis with:

docker run -p 6379:6379 redis

Elasticsearch instance

Elasticsearch is the database that Tracardi uses for storing data.

Open a new terminal and enter to start Elasticsearch:

docker run -p 9200:9200 -p 9300:9300 -e "discovery.type=single-node"

When you want to stop Elasticsearch or redis, press CTRL+C in the terminal you started the docker containers.


If you want elasticsearch to run in the background, type: docker run -d -p 9200: 9200 -p 9300: 9300 -e "discovery.type = single-node"

Download the source code

Open a terminal and go to the directory where you want to keep the code. Enter:

git clone<branch> #(1)
git clone<branch> #(2)
  1. Clones tracardi repository. Do not forget to replace branch with current version. Code will be available in tracardi folder.
  2. Clones tracardi-api repository. Do not forget to replace branch with current version.

Do not forget to replace branch with current version.

Create virtual environments

We need to create 2 virtual environments. Type:

cd tracardi-api
python3.10 -m venv venv  # (1)
cd ..
cd tracardi
python3.10 -m venv venv # (2)
  1. Installs virtual environment with python 3.10 for tracardi API
  2. Installs virtual environment with python 3.10 for tracardi library


Before creating the virtual environment make sure you have version 3.10.x installed. Type python --version to see the python version.

Install dependencies

# Activates virtual environment (1)
cd tracardi-api
source venv/bin/activate

# Installs dependencies
pip install -r app/requirements.txt

cd ..

cd tracardi
source venv/bin/activate

# Installs dependencies (2)
pip install -r tracardi/requirements.txt
  1. Only tracardi-api is required to run the API. Tracardi library will be installed as dependency.
  2. Installs dependencies of Tracardi API.
cd tracardi-api

// Installs dependencies
pip install -r app\\requirements.txt

cd ..

cd tracardi

// Installs dependencies
pip install -r tracardi\\requirements.txt
# Activates virtual environment (1)
cd tracardi-api
source venv/bin/activate

# Installs dependencies
pip install -r app/requirements.txt

cd ..

cd tracardi
source venv/bin/activate

# Installs dependencies (2)
pip install -r tracardi/requirements.txt
  1. Only tracardi-api is required to run the API. Tracardi library will be installed as dependency.
  2. Installs dependencies of Tracardi API.


Before creating the virtual environment make sure you have version 3.10.x installed. Type python --version to see the python version.

Trouble shooting

If you see an error that some of the libraries can not be installed, this may mean that you do not have python version 3.10.x installed in your virtual environment.

Importing project into PyCharm

The API and tracardi library are installed. Now it is time to open IDE and run it inside code editor. Tracardi API depends on tracardi library we will need to reference library inside Tracardi API project.

  1. Open PyCharm
  2. Click File/Open
  3. Find and select tracardi-api folder
  4. Click open project in new window
  5. In the right lower corner next to maser branch, select <no-interpreter>
  6. Click add interpreter and select existing environment

Now it is time to open tracardi library and reference it as dependency of tracardi-api

  1. Open PyCharm
  2. Click File/Open
  3. Find and select tracardi folder
  4. Click open project as attach

You should see something like this in your PyCharm editor.

Attached project in PyCharm

Running inside PyCharm

  1. Find folder app in tracardi-api
  2. Find file
  3. Right click on it and select Run ''

Now the Tracardi API is running. You should see the following logs:

INFO:     Started server process [59653]
INFO:uvicorn.error:Started server process [59653]
INFO:     Waiting for application startup.
INFO:uvicorn.error:Waiting for application startup.
INFO:     Application startup complete.
INFO:uvicorn.error:Application startup complete.
INFO:     Uvicorn running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
INFO:uvicorn.error:Uvicorn running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)

Trouble shooting

If your logs stop on INFO:uvicorn.error:Waiting for application startup. that means your elasticsearch docker is not running. Run it and the API will resule after the database is ready.

Running inside PyCharm

Running API inside PyCharm has some pros and cons. Pros are that you can debug the execution of API. Cons are that when you change the code you have to rerun the program. If you want to auto reload the API run in terminal

uvicorn app.main:application --reload --host --port 8686  #(1)
  1. Runs Tracardi API on port 8686 via uvicorn.

The above command will run serveral copies (workers) of Tracardi API.


.../elasticsearch/connection/ ElasticsearchDeprecationWarning: Elasticsearch built-in security features 
are not enabled. Without authentication, your cluster could be accessible to anyone. See to enable security.

This warining may appear when you connect to elasticsearch without credentials set-up. This is not an issue when you run development version of Tracardi.


Testing API can be via http://localhost:8686/docs. If you need to test API with GUI console run the following docker command:

docker run -p 8787:80 -e API_URL=// tracardi/tracardi-gui:<version>


  1. Replace <version> with current development version, for example: 0.7.3-dev. If you do not know the current development version please contact us at: office(at) or on any social media:,, or via slack or

GUI will be available at http://localhost:8787.