Add contact to Mautic plugin
This plugin adds new contact to Mautic, based on provided data.
This plugin takes any payload as input.
This plugin returns response from Mautic API on port response, or optional error info on port error if one occurs.
Plugin configuration
Form fields
- Mautic resource - please select your Mautic resource. It should contain:
- Mautic API URL
- Mautic Client private key
- Mautic Client public key
- Email address - please type in the path to the email address of your new contact.
- Additional fields - you can add optional mapping for your contact, for example lastname: profile@traits.public.surname. Remember to use field aliases from Mautic.
- Overwrite with blank - you can overwrite the fields that are not mentioned in configuration, with empty values. ON - overwrite with empty, OFF - do not do so.