Get company from HubSpot plugin
This plugin gets a company from HubSpot, based on provided company ID.
This plugin takes any payload as input.
This plugin returns response from HubSpot API on port response, or optional error info on port error if one occurs.
HubSpot app
Firstly, you need to create an app in a HubSpot developer account.
Initiating OAuth 2.0 connection
This plugin uses OAuth 2.0, so you need to initiate an OAuth connection between your app and HubSpot.
To do that, you have to go to app auth in the HubSpot website. Below there is a path from main page to this: -> login -> choose your account -> app menu -> choose app -> auth
There are your client ID and client secret and here you need to define your redirect url and scopes:
redirect URL is a URL visitors will be redirected to after granting access to your app. Please note: For security reasons, this URL must use https in production. When testing using localhost, http can be used. Also, you must use a domain, as IP addresses are not supported.
scopes: for getting company, you need to choose scope, but this match only with this and Get Company from HubSpot plugin. For other plugins connecting to HubSpot, you should choose other scopes. We recommend choose all the following scopes:
crm.objects.companies.write,, crm.objects.contacts.write,, content
After filling the fields, copy link and open this. After that, choose the account that match the app you want to connect with HubSpot and press the button. You'll be asked for granting access to your app, then be redirected to site which URL is based on the redirect URL you've defined.
In the last site URL, there is a code you can use later.
Plugin configuration
With form
- HubSpot resource - please select your HubSpot resource. It should contain:
- client id - the client ID of your app. You can find this in your app auth (on the HubSpot website, after authentication - app menu -> choose app -> auth)
- client secret - the client secret of your app. This also is in your app auth.
Optionally: * if you have got access token: * refresh token - the refresh token obtained when initially authenticating your OAuth integration. * if you haven't got token: * redirect url - the redirect URL that was used when the user authorized your app. This must exactly match the redirect_url used when initiating the OAuth 2.0 connection. * code - the code parameter returned to your redirect URL when the user authorized your app. * is token got - please select true if you've got access token. If you select false and then make any operation to HubSpot with Tracardi, you should select true - in this case, you don't need to remember tokens - Tracardi will do it for you. * company id - id of a company you want to get.