Can I use Tracardi for free?
Yes, you can use Tracardi for free as an individual or a small company. Tracardi offers a free open-source version that provides comprehensive features and the ability to leverage AI-driven insights and automation.
However, it's important to note that if you plan to create a software-as-a-service (SAAS) platform that sells Tracardi or if you intend to resell Tracardi to your customers, you would need to consider the commercial open-source version, which is designed for marketing agencies and larger corporations. The commercial open-source version may have additional features and support tailored to meet the needs of businesses operating at a larger scale.
In summary, Tracardi offers a free open-source version for individuals and small companies, but if you plan to sell or resell Tracardi as a service, you would need to consider the commercial open-source version.
This document also answers the questions: - Can I sell Tracardi?