Show question popup plugin
This plugin shows a question to user, with two possible answers. The answer click by user will be sent back to tracardi as a new event type. User can define the type in Event type field in the configuration form.
This plugin takes any payload as input.
This plugin returns given payload on port payload without any changes.
Plugin configuration
Form fields
- UIX Source - provide a URL, where UIX elements are located. Usually it's http://localhost:8686 (Tracardi API).
- API URL - question popup sends an event after user has answered given question. That's the URL of API that event will be sent to.
- Popup title - provide a title for your popup. This field does not support dotted notation.
- Popup content - provide a content for your popup. This field supports dot template.
- Left button text - provide a text to be displayed on the left button. This field does not support dotted notation.
- Right button text - provide a text to be displayed on the right button. This field does not support dotted notation.
- Horizontal position - select a horizontal position for your popup to be displayed.
- Vertical position - select a vertical position for your popup to be displayed.
- Event type - type in the type of event to be sent back to given API URL. This field does not support dotted notation.
- Save event - you can save the event that is sent back from popup. ON - save, OFF - do not save.
- Popup lifetime - provide a number of seconds for the popup to be displayed. After this amount of seconds, the popup will disappear without any user interaction.
- Dark theme - you can switch your popup into dark mode. ON - dark theme, OFF - bright theme.
Advanced configuration
"api_url": "<url-of-api-for-event-to-be-sent-to>",
"uix_source": "<location-of-uix-components-source>",
"popup_title": "<popup-title>",
"content": "<message-template>",
"left_button_text": "<left-button-text>",
"right_button_text": "<right-button-text>",
"horizontal_pos": " left | center | right ",
"vertical_pos": " top | bottom ",
"event_type": "<type-of-event-to-be-sent-back>",
"save_event": "<bool>",
"popup_lifetime": "<integer-as-string>",
"dark_theme": "<bool>"