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How to configure number of shards?

Helm installation.

To configure the number of shards in Tracardi, you'll need to adjust the settings in the values.yaml (In helm installation) file used for your Tracardi deployment. The number of shards is part of the Elasticsearch configuration, and you can define it within the elastic section of the configuration file. Here's how you can do it:

Step-by-Step Guide to Configure Number of Shards

  1. Locate Your values.yaml File:

    • This file contains the configuration settings for your Tracardi installation. It's typically used during deployment with Helm or another orchestration tool.
  2. Edit the Elasticsearch Configuration Section:

    • Open the values.yaml file in a text editor.
    • Find the elastic section within the file.
  3. Set the Number of Shards and Replicas:

    • Add or update the index configuration to specify the number of primary shards and replicas.

Here is an example of what the elastic section might look like after setting the number of shards:

  name: es1  # The name identifier for the Elasticsearch service
  host: elastic-std-svc.elastic-standalone.svc.cluster.local  # The hostname for the Elasticsearch service
  schema: http  # The schema to use for connecting to Elasticsearch (http/https)
  authenticate: false  # Whether to use authentication when connecting to Elasticsearch
  port: 9200  # The port on which Elasticsearch is running
  verifyCerts: "no"  # Whether to verify SSL certificates (yes/no)
    shards: 5  # Number of primary shards for the index
    replicas: 1  # Number of replica shards for the index
  1. Apply the Configuration:
    • Save the changes to your values.yaml file.
    • If you are using Helm, you can apply the configuration with the following command:
      helm upgrade --install tracardi <path_to_your_chart> -f values.yaml
    • This command will apply the updated configuration to your Tracardi deployment.

Key Considerations

  • Primary Shards (shards): This setting determines how many primary shards will be created for each index. More shards can improve indexing and search performance, but it also means more resources will be required.
  • Replica Shards (replicas): This setting determines how many replica shards will be created. Replicas are copies of primary shards and help with fault tolerance and search performance.
  • Performance Impact: Adjusting the number of shards can significantly impact performance. More shards can improve parallelism, but too many shards can lead to overhead and reduced performance.

Docker compose installation

To configure the number of shards in Tracardi using docker-compose use ELASTIC_INDEX_SHARDS environment variable in a Docker setup, follow these steps:

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Edit Docker Compose File:
  2. You will add the ELASTIC_INDEX_SHARDS environment variable to your Tracardi service configuration in the docker-compose.yml file.

Here’s an example of how to configure your docker-compose.yml file to include the ELASTIC_INDEX_SHARDS environment variable:

version: '3'
    image: tracardi/tracardi-api:1.0.0
    container_name: tracardi
      - ELASTIC_HOST=http://elasticsearch:9200
      - ELASTIC_INDEX_SHARDS=5  # Set number of shards
      - ELASTIC_INDEX_REPLICAS=1  # Set number of replicas
      # Other env settings
      - "8686:8686"
      - elasticsearch
      - redis
      - mysql

  # The rest of the configuration


  • ELASTIC_INDEX_SHARDS: This environment variable sets the number of primary shards for Elasticsearch indices created by Tracardi.
  • ELASTIC_INDEX_REPLICAS: This environment variable sets the number of replica shards for Elasticsearch indices created by Tracardi.

Apply Configuration

  1. Start Docker Compose:
  2. Navigate to the directory containing your docker-compose.yml file.
  3. Run the following command to start your services with the updated configuration:
docker-compose up -d

With docker commands

To set environment variables using the docker run command with the -e option, you can specify the environment variables directly in the command. Below is an example of how to run the Tracardi container with the ELASTIC_INDEX_SHARDS environment variable set.

Example Using docker run

docker run -d \
  --name tracardi \
  -e ELASTIC_HOST=http://localhost:9200 \
  -e REDIS_HOST=redis://localhost:6379 \
  -e MYSQL_HOST=localhost \
  -e MYSQL_USER=root \
  -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=root \
  -e MYSQL_DATABASE=tracardi \
  -p 8686:8686 \

Explanation of the Command

  • docker run -d: Runs the container in detached mode.
  • --name tracardi: Names the container "tracardi".
  • -e ELASTIC_HOST=http://localhost:9200: Sets the Elasticsearch host environment variable.
  • -e REDIS_HOST=redis://localhost:6379: Sets the Redis host environment variable.
  • -e MYSQL_HOST=localhost: Sets the MySQL host environment variable.
  • -e MYSQL_USER=root: Sets the MySQL user environment variable.
  • -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=root: Sets the MySQL password environment variable.
  • -e MYSQL_DATABASE=tracardi: Sets the MySQL database name environment variable.
  • -e ELASTIC_INDEX_SHARDS=5: Sets the number of primary shards for Elasticsearch indices.
  • -e ELASTIC_INDEX_REPLICAS=1: Sets the number of replica shards for Elasticsearch indices.
  • -p 8686:8686: Maps port 8686 of the host to port 8686 of the container.
  • tracardi/tracardi-api:1.0.0: Specifies the image to use.