Build SSL Docker
Building Tracardi API with SSL certificates embedded into docker
Clone repository tracardi/tracardi-api.git
Next go to tracardi folder and find file Dockerfile.ssl-internal and type path to your SSL certificate and key file.
- Find and replace
with a path to your key file - Find and replace
with a path to your certificate
This is how the Dockerfile.ssl-internal looks like
FROM tiangolo/uvicorn-gunicorn-fastapi
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -y git
# set the working directory in the container
RUN mkdir app/
## Install dependencies
COPY app/requirements.txt .
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
## Copy application
COPY app app/
COPY ssl ssl/
COPY docs manual/
ENV VARIABLE_NAME="application"
CMD ["gunicorn", "-b", "", "--workers", "25,"--keyfile", "ssl/key.pem", "--certfile", "ssl/cert.pem", "-k", "uvicorn.workers.UvicornWorker", "app.main:application"]
If you would like to tweak the number of workers running change --workers
option in gunicorn
Then run
Once built you can run Tracardi with the following command:
Run docker and open port 8686
docker run -p 8686:443 \
-e ELASTIC_HOST=http://<elasticsearch-ip>:9200 \
-e REDIS_HOST=redis://<redis-ip>:6379 \
-e MYSQL_HOST=<mysql-ip> \
tracardi/tracardi-api-ssl:<last-version> #(1)
- Replace <...-ip> with your local laptop IP if the service is installed locally or with server IP where the service is installed. Replace
with the latest version. Do not use latest.
This will make API available at https://localhost:8686. If you want it on the standard HTTPS port run:
Run docker and open port 443
docker run -p 443:443 \
-e ELASTIC_HOST=http://<elasticsearch-ip>:9200 \
-e REDIS_HOST=redis://<redis-ip>:6379 \
-e MYSQL_HOST=<mysql-ip> \
tracardi/tracardi-api-ssl:<last-version> #(1)
- Replace <...-ip> with your local laptop IP if the service is installed locally or with server IP where the service is installed. Replace
with the latest version. Do not use latest.
And the API will be available https://localhost.