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Profile Merging Strategies

What is a Merging Strategy?

The merging strategy in Tracardi is the method or algorithm used for combining different profiles or events to form a single cohesive profile. It is one of the predefined methods that the system will use in case there is conflicting data in the set of profiles that need to be merged into a single profile. An example of a strategy is an algorithm that prioritizes the last update made to a profile, regardless of the channel from which the data was collected.

Example of a Merging Strategy

Last Profile Update Wins:

  • Prioritizes the most recent information when merging profiles.
  • Useful for ensuring the most current data is always reflected in the unified profile.

Example Scenario:

  • Profile A: Last Updated: 2024-01-01
  • Profile B: Last Updated: 2024-02-01
  • Profile C: Last Updated: 2024-03-01

Using this strategy, In case of a conflicting data in field e.g. last name the value form Profile C's will be used in the unified profile since it is the most recently updated profile.

What is a Set of Merging Strategies?

Merging strategies are defined in sets. It is a sequence in which the system should attempt to resolve conflicts in profile data. An example of a set may look like this.

  1. LAST_UPDATE: Selects the most recently updated field.
  2. LAST_PROFILE_UPDATE_TIME: Selects the value from the most recently updated profile.
  3. LAST_PROFILE_INSERT_TIME: Selects the value from the most recently inserted profile.

If the primary merge strategy cannot be applied (e.g., missing update times), a fallback (next in sequence) strategy is used.

How Merging Strategies are Matched

In case of a conflict during merging the system selects which merge strategy to use. Merging strategies are matched using either exact or wildcard field matches:

  • Exact Match: Specific to a field, e.g., profile.ids.
  • Wildcard Match: Applies to multiple fields, e.g., profile.* or *.

Available Merge Strategies

Strategy ID Name Description
LAST_UPDATE Last updated value Uses the update date to select the most recent value.
FIRST_UPDATE First inserted value Uses the update date to select the first inserted value.
MIN Minimal value Selects the minimal value.
MAX Maximal value Selects the maximal value.
SUM Sum of values Sums all values.
AVG Average of values Averages all values.
LAST_DATETIME Last date Selects the most recent date.
FIRST_DATETIME First date Selects the earliest date.
ALWAYS_TRUE Always TRUE Always returns TRUE.
ALWAYS_FALSE Always FALSE Always returns FALSE.
AND AND Operator Uses AND operator on all boolean values.
OR OR Operator Uses OR operator on all boolean values.
MERGE_LISTS Merge Values From Lists Concatenates all values from lists.
MERGE_LISTS_DISTINCT Merge Unique Values Concatenates unique values from lists.
MERGE_LISTS_AND_VALUES Merge Values and Lists Concatenates all values and lists.
CONCAT_VALUES_TO_LIST Concatenate Values to List Concatenates all values into a list.
FIRST_PROFILE_INSERT_TIME First Profile Insert Time Uses the value from the first inserted profile.
FIRST_PROFILE_UPDATE_TIME First Profile Update Time Uses the value from the first updated profile.
LAST_PROFILE_CREATE_TIME Last Profile Create Time Uses the value from the last created profile.
LAST_PROFILE_UPDATE_TIME Last Profile Update Time Uses the value from the last updated profile.
LAST_PROFILE_INSERT_TIME Last Profile Insert Time Uses the value from the last inserted profile.
FIRST_ITEM No Merging Does not merge anything.


Last Update Strategy

  • Prioritizes the most recent field update.
  • Example: Two profiles with conflicting email fields will use the email that is the most recently updated (oldest field timestamp).

Last Profile Update Time Strategy

  • Selects the value from the profile that was last updated.
  • Example: Two profiles with conflicting email fields will use the email from the most recently updated profile (oldest profile timestamp).

Last DateTime Strategy

  • Selects the most recent date.
  • Example: Three profiles with different last login dates will use the most recent login date, regardless of the field timestamp.