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Searching (after 0.8.2)

Filtering in version 0.8.2 was simplified and has the following operations.

  1. Comparison Conditions:

    • Basic comparison between a field and a value:
      • fieldName > "value" or product_price <= 100.50 or - active = true
    • Text search
      • = "value" (text search + exact match, finds sentence with value or fields with value)
      • == "value" or is "value"(exact text search)
      • ~ "value" or match "value" (full text search only)
    • Text with wildcards
      • = "value*" (wildcard search + text search: searches for any string starting with value)
      • == "value?" (wildcard search in field: searches for any string starting with value + 1 character)
      • != "value" (all but value search)
    • Boolean values search:
      • is_active = TRUE
      • is_deleted = FALSE
    • Checking for NULL values:
      • product_name IS NULL
    • Basic numeric value conditions:
      • quantity > 10
      • quantity = 10.01
      • quantity < 10
      • quantity >= 10
      • quantity != 10
      • quantity <= 10
    • Using arrays in conditions:
    • categories IN ["Electronics", "Clothing", "Books"]
    • product_id NOT IN [101, 102, 103] (TO BE IMPLEMENTED)
  2. Logical Operators:

    • Combining conditions with AND and OR:
      • sales > 1000 AND region = "North"
      • age >= 18 OR (gender = "Female" AND has_children = TRUE)
  3. Grouping:

    • Using parentheses to group conditions:
      • (age < 30 AND income > 50000) OR (region = "West" AND product = "Widget")
  4. Field Existence:

    • Checking for the existence or non-existence of a field:
      • customer_email EXISTS
      • employee_manager NOT EXISTS
  5. Range Conditions:

    • Comparing a field with a range:
      • temperature BETWEEN 68 AND 72
      • price BETWEEN 10.99 AND 19.99
  6. Field Equality:

    • Comparing two fields:
      • order_total_amount = payment_total_amount
      • start_date < end_date
  7. Field Functions:

    • Applying functions to fields:
    • DATE(order_date) = "2023-01-15" (TO BE IMPLEMENTED)
    • UPPER(product_name) = "WIDGET" (TO BE IMPLEMENTED)
  8. Compound Value and Field Conditions:

    • Using compound values and fields:
    • category("Electronics") = price + tax (TO BE IMPLEMENTED)
    • order_status("Shipped") = customer_name (TO BE IMPLEMENTED)
  9. Time Conditions:

    • Expressing time conditions:
    • time_elapsed >= 2d (greater than or equal to 2 days) (TO BE IMPLEMENTED)
    • duration < 1h (less than 1 hour) (TO BE IMPLEMENTED)

This documentation answer the following questions:

  • How to search for profile, session, and events in Tracardi GUI
  • How to search data in Tracardi?
  • How does Tracardi's query parser work?
  • What is a query condition?
  • What is the syntax for searching, filtering in Tracardi?