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Commercial Tracardi Env Variables

Environment Variable Description
PRIMARY_ID Primary identifier for data. Default:
PRIMARY_ID_AS_HASH Whether to treat the primary identifier as a hash. Default: no.
EVENT_POOL Size of the event pool. Default: 0.
EVENT_POOL_INACTIVITY Timeout for event pool inactivity (in seconds). Default: 5.
ASYNC_STORE_BUFFER_TIMEOUT Timeout for async store buffer (in milliseconds). Default: 1000.
PULSAR_HOST Pulsar host address. Default: pulsar://localhost:6650.
PULSAR_API Pulsar API endpoint. Default: http://localhost:8080.
PULSAR_AUTH_TOKEN Authentication token for Pulsar. Default: None.
PULSAR_TOPIC_TYPE Pulsar topic type. Default: persistent.
PULSAR_TENANT Pulsar tenant name. Default: tracardi.
PULSAR_CLUSTER Pulsar cluster name. Default: standalone.
PULSAR_DISABLED Whether Pulsar is disabled. Default: no.
PULSAR_SYSTEM_NAMESPACE Pulsar system namespace. Default: system.
PULSAR_FUNCTION_TOPIC Pulsar function topic. Default: functions.
PULSAR_COLLECTOR_POOL Size of the Pulsar collector pool. Default: 1000.
PULSAR_SERIALIZER Serializer format for Pulsar messages. Default: json.
MAXMIND_HOST MaxMind host. Default:
MAXMIND_LICENSE_KEY License key for MaxMind. Default: None.
MAXMIND_ACCOUNT_ID MaxMind account ID. Default: 0.
AUDIENCE_ESTIMATION_MAX_CARDINALITY_COUNT Maximum cardinality count for audience estimation. Default: 100000.