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Open-source env variables

Environment Variable Description
_DEBUG_VERSION Application version. Default: 1.1.x.
TENANT_NAME Tenant name for the application. Default: None.
EVENT_TO_PROFILE_COPY_CACHE_TTL Cache TTL for event-to-profile copy. Default: 15.
SOURCE_CACHE_TTL Cache TTL for source data. Default: 15.
EVENT_VALIDATION_CACHE_TTL Cache TTL for event validation data. Default: 15.
EVENT_METADATA_CACHE_TTL Cache TTL for event metadata. Default: 15.
EVENT_DESTINATION_CACHE_TTL Cache TTL for event destination. Default: 15.
PROFILE_DESTINATION_CACHE_TTL Cache TTL for profile destination. Default: 15.
DATA_COMPLIANCE_CACHE_TTL Cache TTL for data compliance. Default: 15.
TRIGGER_RULE_CACHE_TTL Cache TTL for trigger rules. Default: 15.
MYSQL_HOST MySQL host. Default: localhost.
MYSQL_USERNAME MySQL username. Default: root.
MYSQL_PASSWORD MySQL password. Default: root.
MYSQL_SCHEMA MySQL schema for async driver. Default: mysql+aiomysql://.
MYSQL_PORT MySQL port. Default: 3306.
MYSQL_DATABASE MySQL database name. Default: tracardi.
MYSQL_ECHO Enable MySQL echo. Default: no.
UNSET_CREDENTIALS Unset credentials after use. Default: off.
ELASTIC_INDEX_REPLICAS Number of Elasticsearch index replicas. Default: 1.
ELASTIC_INDEX_SHARDS Number of Elasticsearch index shards. Default: 3.
ELASTIC_CONF_INDEX_SHARDS Number of Elasticsearch configuration index shards. Default: 1.
ELASTIC_SNIFF_ON_START Enable Elasticsearch sniffing on start. Default: None.
ELASTIC_SNIFF_ON_CONNECTION_FAIL Enable Elasticsearch sniffing on connection fail. Default: None.
ELASTIC_SNIFFER_TIMEOUT Timeout for Elasticsearch sniffing. Default: None.
ELASTIC_CA_FILE Path to Elasticsearch CA file. Default: None.
ELASTIC_API_KEY_ID Elasticsearch API key ID. Default: None.
ELASTIC_API_KEY Elasticsearch API key. Default: None.
ELASTIC_CLOUD_ID Elasticsearch cloud ID. Default: None.
ELASTIC_MAX_CONN Maximum number of Elasticsearch connections. Default: 25.
ELASTIC_HTTP_COMPRESS Enable HTTP compression for Elasticsearch. Default: None.
ELASTIC_VERIFY_CERTS Verify certificates for Elasticsearch. Default: off.
ELASTIC_HOST Elasticsearch host. Default: http://localhost:9200.
ELASTIC_HTTP_AUTH_USERNAME Elasticsearch HTTP authentication username. Default: elastic.
ELASTIC_HTTP_AUTH_PASSWORD Elasticsearch HTTP authentication password. Default: None.
ELASTIC_SCHEME Elasticsearch scheme. Default: http.
ELASTIC_QUERY_TIMEOUT Elasticsearch query timeout. Default: 12.
ELASTIC_LOGGING_LEVEL Elasticsearch logging level. Default: ERROR.
REDIS_HOST Redis host. Default: localhost.
REDIS_PORT Redis port. Default: 6379.
REDIS_PASSWORD Redis password. Default: None.
PRODUCTION Enable production mode. Default: no.
TRACK_DEBUG Enable track debugging. Default: no.
SAVE_LOGS Save logs. Default: yes.
ENABLE_EVENT_DESTINATIONS Enable event destinations. Default: no.
ENABLE_PROFILE_DESTINATIONS Enable profile destinations. Default: no.
ENABLE_WORKFLOW Enable workflows. Default: yes.
ENABLE_EVENT_VALIDATION Enable event validation. Default: yes.
ENABLE_EVENT_RESHAPING Enable event reshaping. Default: yes.
ENABLE_EVENT_SOURCE_CHECK Enable event source checking. Default: yes.
ENABLE_IDENTIFICATION_POINT Enable identification points. Default: yes.
SYSTEM_EVENTS Enable system events. Default: no.
ENABLE_ERRORS_ON_RESPONSE Enable errors on responses. Default: yes.
ENABLE_FIELD_UPDATE_LOG Enable field update logging. Default: no.
DISALLOW_BOT_TRAFFIC Disallow bot traffic. Default: yes.
KEEP_PROFILE_IN_CACHE_FOR Cache profile duration in seconds. Default: 3600.
KEEP_SESSION_IN_CACHE_FOR Cache session duration in seconds. Default: 1800.
SKIP_ERRORS_ON_PROFILE_MAPPING Skip errors on profile mapping. Default: no.
NEW_COLLECTOR Use new event collector. Default: yes.
SYNC_PROFILE_TRACKS_MAX_REPEATS Maximum number of profile track sync retries. Default: 10.
SYNC_PROFILE_TRACKS_WAIT Wait time between profile track sync retries (seconds). Default: 1.
STORAGE_DRIVER Storage driver. Default: elastic.
LOGGING_LEVEL Application logging level. Default: WARNING.
SERVER_LOGGING_LEVEL Server logging level. Default: WARNING.
MULTI_TENANT Enable multi-tenant mode. Default: no.
MULTI_TENANT_MANAGER_URL URL for multi-tenant manager. Default: None.
MULTI_TENANT_MANAGER_API_KEY API key for multi-tenant manager. Default: None.
EXPOSE_GUI_API Expose GUI API. Default: yes.
IMAGE_TAG Docker image tag. Default: n/a.
INSTALLATION_TOKEN Installation token. Default: tracardi.
EVENT_PARTITIONING Event data partitioning frequency. Default: quarter.
PROFILE_PARTITIONING Profile data partitioning frequency. Default: quarter.
SESSION_PARTITIONING Session data partitioning frequency. Default: quarter.
ENTITY_PARTITIONING Entity data partitioning frequency. Default: quarter.
ITEM_PARTITIONING Item data partitioning frequency. Default: year.
LOG_PARTITIONING Log data partitioning frequency. Default: month.
DISPATCH_LOG_PARTITIONING Dispatch log data partitioning frequency. Default: month.
CONSOLE_LOG_PARTITIONING Console log data partitioning frequency. Default: month.
USER_LOG_PARTITIONING User log data partitioning frequency. Default: year.
FIELD_CHANGE_LOG_PARTITIONING Field change log data partitioning frequency. Default: month.
AUTO_PROFILE_MERGING Auto profile merging token. Default: s>a.d-kljsa87^5adh.
APM Enable Application Performance Monitoring (APM). Default: yes.
AUTOLOAD_PAGE_SIZE Page size for auto-load. Default: 25.
USE_X_FORWARDED_IP Use X-Forwarded-For header to get client IP. Default: None.
API_DOCS Enable API docs. Default: yes.
PERFORMANCE_TRACKING Enable performance tracking. Default: None.
CONFIG Path to configuration file. Default: config.yaml.
INSTALLATION_TOKEN Installation token. Default: tracardi.