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How to add action plugin class to the system?

To register a plugin in Tracardi, follow these steps:

  1. Create the Register Function: Define a register function in the same file where your plugin class is defined. This function will return a Plugin object containing the specifications and metadata of your plugin.

2 Specify Plugin Details in Register Function:

  • Start: Set to False as most plugins do not start the workflow.
  • Spec: Include details like the module, class name, inputs, outputs, version, license, and author. Example:
spec = Spec(
    outputs=["MyEvent", "NotMyEvent"],
    author="Your Name"
  • Metadata: Define the metadata of the plugin like its name, description, and the group it belongs to. Example:
metadata = MetaData(
    name="My first plugin",
    desc='Descriptive text about what the plugin does.',
    group=["Test plugin"]
  • Please see some already implemented classes in the system to see all the options od register function.

  • Automatic Plugin Loading:

    • Navigate to the directory: /tracardi/service/setup.
    • Locate the file. This file contains the list of all available plugins in the system.
    • Add an entry for your plugin in the installed_plugins dictionary in the file. The key should be the package of the register function, and the value should be an object of type PluginMetadata. Example:
      "tracardi.process_engine.action.v1.my_plugin_folder.my_plugin": PluginMetadata(
          test=PluginTest(init=None, resource=None)
  • Reinstall Plugins: After adding your plugin to the file, restart the Tracardi API for the changes to take effect. Then, go to Processing/Workflows in the Tracardi GUI, open any workflow, and click the Reinstall Plugins button to load your new plugin. Alternatively, you can go to Maintenance/Plug-ins and click the Reinstall Plugins button.

This process adds your plugin to the list of available plugins in Tracardi, allowing you to use it in workflows. Remember to test your plugin thoroughly to ensure it works as expected in the Tracardi environment.


Below is an example of a register function for a hypothetical Tracardi plugin. This function is used to register the plugin in the Tracardi system, specifying its details, configuration, and capabilities.

from tracardi.service.plugin.domain.register import Plugin, Spec, MetaData

def register() -> Plugin:
    return Plugin(
        start=False,  # Indicates that the workflow cannot start from this node
            module=__name__,  # The module where the plugin is defined
            className='MyApiPlugin',  # The name of your plugin class
            init={  # Plugin configuration
                "api_url": "",  # Default value for the API URL
                "api_key": ""  # Default value for the API key
            inputs=["payload"],  # List of input ports
            outputs=["output"],  # List of output ports
            version='0.1',  # Version of your plugin
            license="MIT",  # License type
            author="Your Name"  # Author of the plugin
            name="API Connector Plugin",  # Name of the plugin to display in the workflow editor
            desc='Connects to a specified API and retrieves data.',  # Short description of what the plugin does
            group=["Data Processing"]  # Group under which the plugin will be listed

In this example:

  • The Plugin class is instantiated with specific properties.
  • The start property is set to False, meaning this plugin cannot be used as a starting node in a workflow.
  • The Spec class defines the technical details of the plugin, like its module location (__name__), class name (MyApiPlugin), input and output ports, version, license, and author.
  • The MetaData class provides descriptive information about the plugin, like its display name (API Connector Plugin), a short description (Connects to a specified API and retrieves data.), and the group in which it will be categorized (Data Processing).

After defining this function, remember to add your plugin to the file in the Tracardi system to complete the registration process.

Plugin forms

Action plugins may have forms that fill the plugin configuration.

To add a form to the plugin registration, you'll need to include a Form object within the Spec class. This form will define the configuration interface for the plugin in the Tracardi GUI, allowing users to input necessary data, like API endpoints or other settings.

Here's the updated example of the register function with a plugin form:

from tracardi.service.plugin.domain.register import Plugin, Spec, MetaData, Form, FormGroup, FormField, FormComponent

def register() -> Plugin:
    return Plugin(
                "api_url": "",  # Default value for the API URL
                "api_key": ""  # Default value for the API key
                    name="API Configuration",
                    description="Configure the API connection details.",
                            name="API URL",
                            description="Enter the API endpoint URL.",
                            component=FormComponent(type="text", props={"label": "API URL"})
                            name="API Key",
                            description="Enter your API key.",
                            component=FormComponent(type="text", props={"label": "API Key"})
            author="Your Name"
            name="API Connector Plugin",
            desc='Connects to a specified API and retrieves data.',
            group=["Data Processing"]

In this updated version:

  • The init property inside Spec is used to define the default configuration values. Here, it sets the default values for api_url and api_key as empty strings.
  • The form property is defined to create a user interface for configuring the plugin. It consists of a Form with a FormGroup containing two FormField objects.
    • Each FormField represents a field in the form. In this example, there are two fields: one for the API URL and another for the API key.
    • The id of each FormField should match the keys defined in the init dictionary.
    • The FormComponent defines the type of input control (in this case, text) and additional properties like labels.

By defining this form, you create a user-friendly interface in the Tracardi workflow editor, allowing users to easily configure your plugin with the necessary API details.