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How to enable system events in docker compose?

To enable system events in Tracardi when using Docker Compose, follow these steps:

  1. Locate your Docker Compose file: This file is typically named docker-compose.yml and contains the configuration for all the services you are running.

  2. Modify the environment variables: Add or modify the environment variables for the Tracardi service to include SYSTEM_EVENTS=yes.

Here is an example of how you can adjust your docker-compose.yml file:

Part of docker-comose.yaml
version: '3.7'

    image: tracardi/com-tracardi-api:1.0.0  # or use the specific version you are running
    container_name: tracardi-api
      - ELASTIC_HOST=http://elasticsearch:9200
      - REDIS_HOST=redis://redis:6379
      - MYSQL_HOST=mysql
      - PULSAR_HOST=pulsar://pulsar:6650
      - PULSAR_API=http://pulsar:8080
      - LOGGING_LEVEL=info
      - SYSTEM_EVENTS=yes  # Enable system events
      - "8686:80"

# The rest of your docker-compose file.
  1. Deploy the updated configuration: After making these changes, you need to restart your Docker Compose setup to apply the new configuration. You can do this by running:
docker-compose down
docker-compose up -d

By adding SYSTEM_EVENTS=yes to the environment variables of the Tracardi service, you enable system events within the Tracardi instance running in Docker Compose. This will allow Tracardi to generate and handle internal system events.