Chatwoot resource
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Select Chatwoot icon
Click new inbox in the left menu
Select website
Fill the form
Select agent
You will see the javascript snippet that you should copy and paste to you page.
Do not do it. Copy only the website token. It is marked below in the example script
< script >
( function ( d , t ) {
var BASE_URL = "" ;
var g = d . createElement ( t ), s = d . getElementsByTagName ( t )[ 0 ];
g . src = BASE_URL + "/packs/js/sdk.js" ;
g . defer = true ;
g . async = true ;
s . parentNode . insertBefore ( g , s );
g . onload = function (){
window . chatwootSDK . run ({
websiteToken : '<TOKEN-IS-HERE>' ,
baseUrl : BASE_URL
})( document , "script" );
</ script >