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Installation with HelmChart after version 0.9.0

This document provides comprehensive instructions for installing the commercial Tracardi application on a Kubernetes ( K8s) cluster using the Helm chart.


Before initiating the installation process, ensure you have completed the following prerequisites:

  1. Install K8S and Helm: Make sure that you have installed K8S and Helm.

  2. Obtain Helm Chart and License Information: Upon agreeing to the license agreement, you will receive a Helm chart archive. Extract the contents of this archive into a folder named "tracardi". You will also receive a Docker Hub login token, which is required to access the commercial Docker images. Additionally, make sure you have the Tracardi license key.

  3. Install dependencies (ElasticSearch, Redis, Apache Pulsar, Mysql)


We strongly recommend setting up the dependent services (Redis, Elasticsearch, MySQL, and Pulsar) in separate namespaces. This strategy has several advantages:

  1. Upgrade Management: Each new version of Tracardi can be deployed in a new namespace, facilitating migration and testing without disrupting the current setup.
  2. Isolation: Keeping dependencies isolated helps in managing and troubleshooting issues more effectively.
  3. Avoiding In-Place Upgrades: Placing everything in one namespace would necessitate an in-place upgrade for Tracardi, which is not recommended due to the increased risk of disruptions and complications.

Overall process description

The installation takes the following steps:

  • Dependencies installation
  • Init script for dependencies setup (it is part of the tracardi pod)
  • API/GUI and workers installation

Installation settings

Installation will need setting that will connect tracardi with its database, cache, etc.

You must customize the deployment by providing your own values.yaml file where you will set up the required credentials.

Using Custom Values in Helm Charts

To use custom values when installing a Helm chart, you create a custom values.yaml file and pass it to the helm install command using the -f or --values flag. Here's the general syntax:


For example:

helm install tracardi tracardi -f my-custom-values.yaml

How Custom Values Override Default Values

  1. Default Values: Each Helm chart includes a values.yaml file that defines the default configuration. Description of default custom values will be described below.

  2. Custom Values: When you provide a custom values.yaml file, the values specified in this file take precedence over the corresponding default values.

  3. Merge Process: Helm doesn't completely replace the default values file. Instead, it performs a deep merge of your custom values with the default values.

  4. Overriding: Only the values you specify in your custom file will override the defaults. All other values remain unchanged.

  5. Nested Values: For nested structures, you can override specific nested values without affecting the entire structure.

  6. Arrays: When overriding array values, your custom values completely replace the default array.

Minimal values file

Minimal configuration will require connection to all dependant services with credentials.

```yaml tilte="Example of minimal custom values.yaml file"


elastic: name: es1 host: cluster-es-http.elastic.svc.cluster.local # Address of elastic-search installation schema: https authenticate: true port: 9200 verifyCerts: "no"

redis: name: rd1 host: redis-master.redis.svc.cluster.local # Address of redis installation schema: "redis://" authenticate: true port: 6379 db: "0"

pulsar: name: ps1 host: pulsar-proxy.pulsar.svc.cluster.local:6650 # Address of apache pulsar installation api: http://pulsar-broker.pulsar.svc.cluster.local:8080 schema: "pulsar://" authenticate: true port: 6650

mysql: name: ms1 host: percona-db-pxc-db-haproxy.percona.svc.cluster.local # Address of mysql installation schema: "mysql+aiomysql://" database: "tracardi" port: 3306

secrets: installation: token: "random-token" license: licenseKey: "license-key" redis: password: "redis-password" elastic: username: "elasticsearch-username" password: "elasticsearch-password" pulsar: token: "pulsar-token" mysql: username: "mysql-username" password: "mysql-password" tms: secretKey: "random-tms-secret-key" apiKey: "random-tms-api-key"

### Detailed local installation settings

To customize your installation create local `values.yaml` file and define custom setting for your setup.

Your custom `values.yaml` file will contain only the values you wish to change from the defaults. Any values not
specified in your custom file will use the defaults provided by the HelmChart. This approach keeps your configuration
concise and easy to manage.

### Configuration of Services Used by Tracardi

Dependencies configuration is the part in helm configuration that defines all the services that Tracardi needs to connect to. 

#### Elasticsearch Configuration

The Elasticsearch configuration specifies the necessary settings to connect Tracardi to an Elasticsearch service. This
includes the host, port, schema, and authentication details. Here's a detailed breakdown:

  name: es1  # The name identifier for the Elasticsearch service
  host: elastic-std-svc.elastic-standalone.svc.cluster.local  # The hostname for the Elasticsearch service
  schema: http  # The schema to use for connecting to Elasticsearch (http/https)
  authenticate: false  # Whether to use authentication when connecting to Elasticsearch
  port: 9200  # The port on which Elasticsearch is running
  verifyCerts: "no"  # Whether to verify SSL certificates (yes/no)
    shards: 3  # Number of primary shards for the index
    replicas: 1  # Number of replica shards for the index

Field Description Needs change
name Identifier for the Elasticsearch service
host Hostname or IP address of the Elasticsearch service yes
schema Protocol used to connect (http or https) yes
authenticate Toggle for enabling authentication. See secrets part for authentication. yes
port Port number on which Elasticsearch is running
verifyCerts Indicates whether SSL certificates should be verified
index.shards Number of primary shards for the index Use default or change
index.replicas Number of replica shards for the index Use default or change

Redis Configuration

The Redis configuration sets up the connection details for the Redis service, including the host, port, and database number.

  name: rd1  # The name identifier for the Redis service
  host: redis-std-svc.redis-standalone.svc.cluster.local  # The hostname for the Redis service
  schema: "redis://"  # The schema to use for connecting to Redis
  authenticate: false  # Whether to use authentication when connecting to Redis
  port: 6379  # The port on which Redis is running
  db: "0"  # The database number to use in Redis
Field Description Needs change
name Identifier for the Redis service
host Hostname or IP address of the Redis service yes
schema Protocol used to connect (e.g., redis://)
authenticate Toggle for enabling authentication yes
port Port number on which Redis is running
db Redis database number to use

Apache Pulsar Configuration

The Apache Pulsar configuration includes settings for connecting to the Pulsar service, including the host, port, and whether to enable Pulsar.

  name: ps1  # The name identifier for the Pulsar service
  host: pulsar-std-svc.pulsar-standalone.svc.cluster.local  # The hostname for the Pulsar service
  api: "http://pulsar-std-svc.pulsar-standalone.svc.cluster.local:8080"  # API endpoint for Pulsar
  schema: "pulsar://"  # The schema to use for connecting to Pulsar
  authenticate: false  # Whether to use authentication when connecting to Pulsar
  port: 6650  # The port on which Pulsar is running
  cluster_name: pulsar  # The cluster name for Pulsar
  enabled: true  # Whether Pulsar is enabled
Field Description needs change
name Identifier for the Pulsar service
host Hostname or IP address of the Pulsar service yes
api API endpoint for Pulsar yes
schema Protocol used to connect (e.g., pulsar://)
authenticate Toggle for enabling authentication yes
port Port number on which Pulsar is running
cluster_name Name of the Pulsar cluster
enabled Toggle to enable or disable Pulsar

MySQL Configuration

The MySQL configuration details the settings for connecting to a MySQL service, including the host, port, and database name.

  name: ms1  # The name identifier for the MySQL service
  host: percona-db-pxc-db-haproxy.percona.svc.cluster.local  # The hostname for the MySQL service
  schema: "mysql+aiomysql://"  # The schema to use for connecting to MySQL
  database: "tracardi"  # The database name to use in MySQL
  port: 3306  # The port on which MySQL is running
Field Description Needs change
name Identifier for the MySQL service
host Hostname or IP address of the MySQL service yes
schema Protocol used to connect (e.g., mysql+aiomysql://)
database Name of the database to use
port Port number on which MySQL is running

Tenant Management Service (TMS) API Configuration

The TMS API configuration outlines the settings for the Tenant Management Service, a microservice responsible for managing tenants in a multi-tenant environment.

  host: be-fa-tms-svc.tracardi-com-090.svc.cluster.local  # The hostname for the TMS API service
  database: "tms"  # The database name to use in TMS API
Field Description Needs change
host Hostname or IP address of the TMS API service yes
database Name of the database to use in TMS API

Here's an example values.yaml file where only the required fields are changed. This is the example for resource configuration. See other parts below

# Elasticsearch configuration. Set required values like
  host: elastic-std-svc.elastic-standalone.svc.cluster.local
  authenticate: true

# Redis configuration. 
  host: redis-std-svc.redis-standalone.svc.cluster.local
  authenticate: true

# Apache Pulsar configuration. Set required fields like, pulsar.api
  host: pulsar-std-svc.pulsar-standalone.svc.cluster.local
  api: "http://pulsar-std-svc.pulsar-standalone.svc.cluster.local:8080"
  enabled: true  # Enable Pulsar for this configuration
  authenticate: true

# MySQL configuration. Set required.
  host: percona-db-pxc-db-haproxy.percona.svc.cluster.local

# TMS API configuration. Change
  host: be-fa-tms-svc.tracardi-com-090.svc.cluster.local 

Telemetry Configuration


The telemetry configuration in Tracardi allows for monitoring and logging various metrics and logs related to the system's performance and operations. This feature is currently experimental and is disabled by default. You can safely remove this section from your custom values.yaml file.

Configuration Fields

The telemetry section in the values.yaml file includes several fields to configure the telemetry settings. Here’s a detailed breakdown of each field:

  disabled: true  # Whether telemetry is disabled
  name: "tracardi"  # The name for telemetry
  log_level: "info"  # The logging level for telemetry
    endpoint: ""  # Endpoint for exporting telemetry data
    headers: ""  # Headers to use when exporting telemetry data
    metrics: ""  # Metrics configuration for telemetry
    logs: ""  # Logs configuration for telemetry
    attributes: ""  # Attributes for telemetry
    time_out: 30000  # Timeout for telemetry export in milliseconds
    delay: 5000  # Delay for telemetry export in milliseconds
    batch_size: 512  # Batch size for telemetry export

Explanation of Fields

Field Description
disabled Indicates whether telemetry is disabled.
name The name used for telemetry identification.
log_level The logging level for telemetry.
export Export configuration for telemetry data.
endpoint The endpoint URL where telemetry data will be exported.
headers Headers to include when exporting telemetry data.
metrics Configuration for exporting metrics.
logs Configuration for exporting logs.
attributes Attributes to include in the telemetry data.
time_out Timeout duration for exporting telemetry data.
delay Delay between telemetry export operations.
batch_size The number of telemetry entries to include in each export batch.

Load Balancer Configuration


The load balancer configuration section in the values.yaml file is used to set up a load balancer for your Tracardi installation, particularly when deploying on DigitalOcean. This section includes options to enable or disable the load balancer and to specify a certificate ID for secure connections.

Configuration Fields

The digitalOcean section includes the following fields:

  loadBalancer: false  # Whether to use a DigitalOcean load balancer. Set this to true if you need a load balancer
  certId: ""  # Certificate ID for DigitalOcean

Explanation of Fields

Field Description
loadBalancer Determines whether a load balancer will start.
certId The certificate ID for securing connections through the DigitalOcean load balancer.

Set digitalOcean.loadBalancer to true if you need a load balancer

Add this to your local values.yaml

  loadBalancer: true

General Tracardi Configuration


The general configuration settings for Tracardi govern how the system operates, including multi-tenancy, ID prefixes, demo mode, system events, and visit handling. Below is a detailed breakdown of each configuration option.

Configuration Fields

    multi: "no"  # Whether multi-tenancy is enabled
  storage: # This part can be removed from the custom file.
      enabled: true  # Whether failover storage is enabled
      size: 1Gi  # Size of the failover storage
  primaryId: "emm-" 
  demo: "no"  # Whether demo mode is enabled. Disable on production
  systemEvents: "no"  # Whether system events are enabled.
  enableVisitEnded: "no"  # Whether to enable visit ended events. Will the system register when the visit ends.
    close: 1200  # Time in seconds to close a visit after inactivity

Explanation of Fields

Field Description
multiTenant.multi Indicates whether multi-tenancy is enabled.
primaryId Primary ID prefix for the system, set only once during installation. Emm prefix means use email.main to compute the primary key and use it as a merging key during automatic profile merging. This means tracardi will automatically merge profiles when there are 2 profiles with the same email.
demo Indicates whether demo mode is enabled.
systemEvents Indicates whether system events are enabled.
enableVisitEnded Indicates whether visit ended events are enabled.
visit.close The time in seconds to close a visit after inactivity.


Here is an example values.yaml file with only the necessary fields modified:

    multi: "yes"  # Enable multi-tenancy
  primaryId: "emm-"  # Set the primary ID prefix
  systemEvents: "no"  # Enable system events
  enableVisitEnded: "no"  # Enable visit ended events
    close: 1800  # Set visit close time to 1800 seconds (30 minutes)

Definition of Secrets


This section of the configuration file contains all the necessary credentials and secrets required for Tracardi and its dependencies, including databases and external services. Proper management of these secrets is crucial for the security and functionality of the system.

Explanation of Fields
Field Description Required
dockerHub Name of the Docker Hub repository. yes
installation.token Installation token. yes
license.licenseKey License key for the application. no
tms.secretKey Secret key for Tenant Management Service (TMS). if multi-tenant installation
tms.apiKey API key for TMS. if multi-tenant installation
redis.password Password for Redis. if authentication enabled
elastic.username Username for Elasticsearch. yes
elastic.password Password for Elasticsearch. if authentication enabled
pulsar.token Token for Pulsar. if authentication enabled
mysql.username Username for MySQL. if authentication enabled
mysql.password Password for MySQL. if authentication enabled
maxmind.licenseKey License key for MaxMind. no
maxmind.accountId Account ID for MaxMind. no
mergingToken Token used for hashing data during profile merging. This should be a random value and should not be changed after installation. It must remain permanent across all installations. yes

Docker Image Settings


The image settings section in the values.yaml file is used to configure the API component of Tracardi. This includes settings for both the private and public APIs, such as Docker image details, replica configurations, logging levels, and service ports. Proper configuration of these settings ensures the APIs operate efficiently and meet the deployment requirements.

Private API is Used for communication with GUI while Public for collecting Data.

Configuration Fields

# API configuration
    repository: tracardi/com-tracardi-api  # Docker repository for the API image
    pullPolicy: IfNotPresent  # Image pull policy
    tag: 1.0.0  # Image tag, should be the same for GUI and backend

    enabled: true  # Whether the private API is enabled
    replicas: 1  # Number of replicas for the private API
      saveLogs: "yes"  # Whether to save logs
      loggingLevel: "INFO"  # Logging level for the private API
      apiDocs: "yes"  # Whether to enable API documentation
      enableWorkflow: "yes"  # Whether to enable workflows
      enableEventDestinations: "yes"  # Whether to enable event destinations
      enableProfileDestinations: "yes"  # Whether to enable profile destinations
      enableIdentification: "yes"  # Whether to enable identification
      eventPartitioning: "month"  # Event partitioning strategy
      profilePartitioning: "quarter"  # Profile partitioning strategy
      sessionPartitioning: "quarter"  # Session partitioning strategy
      port: 8686  # Port for the private API service
      enabled: false
      host: "*"
      path: /

    enabled: true  # Whether the public API is enabled
          - maxSkew: 1  # Maximum skew for topology spread
            topologyKey:  # Topology key for spread constraints
            whenUnsatisfiable: ScheduleAnyway  # Action to take when constraints are unsatisfiable
       be-fa-public  # Label selector
    replicas: 1  # Number of replicas for the public API
      saveLogs: "no"  # Whether to save logs
      loggingLevel: "WARNING"  # Logging level for the public API
      apiDocs: "no"  # Whether to enable API documentation
      enableWorkflow: "yes"  # Whether to enable workflows
      enableEventDestinations: "yes"  # Whether to enable event destinations
      enableProfileDestinations: "yes"  # Whether to enable profile destinations
      enableIdentification: "yes"  # Whether to enable identification
      eventPartitioning: "month"  # Event partitioning strategy
      profilePartitioning: "quarter"  # Profile partitioning strategy
      sessionPartitioning: "quarter"  # Session partitioning strategy
      port: 8585  # Port for the public API service
      enabled: false
      host: "*"
      path: /

Explanation of Fields

API Image
Field Type Description Default
repository String Docker repository for the API image. tracardi/com-tracardi-api
pullPolicy String Image pull policy. Common values are Always, IfNotPresent, and Never. IfNotPresent
tag String Image tag, ensuring compatibility between GUI and backend. 1.0.0
Private/Public API Configuration
Field Type Description Default
enabled Boolean Enables or disables the private API. true
replicas Integer Number of replicas for the private API. Use for scaling. 1
config.saveLogs String Indicates whether to save logs. "yes"
config.loggingLevel String Logging level for the private API. Common values are DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR. "INFO"
config.apiDocs String Indicates whether to enable API documentation. "yes"
config.enableWorkflow String Indicates whether to enable workflows. "yes"
config.enableEventDestinations String Indicates whether to enable event destinations. "yes"
config.enableProfileDestinations String Indicates whether to enable profile destinations. "yes"
config.enableIdentification String Indicates whether to enable identification. "yes"
config.eventPartitioning String Strategy for event partitioning. Common values are day, week, month, quarter, year. "month"
config.profilePartitioning String Strategy for profile partitioning. Common values are day, week, month, quarter, year. "quarter"
config.sessionPartitioning String Strategy for session partitioning. Common values are day, week, month, quarter, year. "quarter"
service.port Integer Port for the private API service. 8686
ingress.enabled Boolean Enable API ingress. false String API ingress host. Wildcard is used for multitenant installation. *
ingress.path String Enable API path. /

Differences in Configuration of Private and Public API

Configuration Field Private API Public API
saveLogs yes no
loggingLevel INFO WARNING
apiDocs yes no
service.port 8686 8585
topologySpreadConstraints Not applicable Configured

GUI Configuration


The GUI configuration section in the values.yaml file specifies the settings for the graphical user interface (GUI) of Tracardi. This includes details about the Docker image, replica settings, service ports, and specific configuration options for the console.

Configuration Fields

# GUI configuration
    repository: tracardi/tracardi-gui  # Docker repository for the GUI image
    pullPolicy: IfNotPresent  # Image pull policy
    tag: 1.0.0  # Image tag, should be the same for GUI and backend

    enabled: true  # Whether the GUI is enabled
    replicas: 1  # Number of replicas for the GUI
      port: 8787  # Port for the GUI service
      enabled: false
      host: ""
      path: /
      mode: "with-deployment"  # Mode for the GUI
      allowUpdatesOnProduction: "no"  # Whether to allow updates on production

Explanation of Fields

Field Description
image.repository Docker repository for the GUI image.
image.pullPolicy Image pull policy. Common values are Always, IfNotPresent, and Never.
image.tag Image tag.
console.enabled Indicates whether the GUI is enabled.
console.replicas Number of replicas for the GUI.
console.service.port Port for the GUI service.
console.ingress.enabled Enable GUI ingress. GUI ingress host.
console.ingress.path Enable GUI path.
config.mode Mode for the console operation. Available values "with-deployment" or "no-deployment"
config.allowUpdatesOnProduction Indicates whether updates are allowed on production.

TMS Configuration


The Tenant Management Service (TMS) configuration section in the values.yaml file specifies the settings for TMS in Tracardi. This includes details about the Docker image, replica settings, logging levels, service ports, and the service name.

Configuration Fields

# TMS configuration
    repository: tracardi/tms  # Docker repository for the TMS image
    pullPolicy: IfNotPresent  # Image pull policy
    tag: 1.0.0  # Image tag, should be the same for GUI and backend
    enabled: true  # Whether Docker is enabled
    replicas: 1  # Number of replicas for TMS
      loggingLevel: "INFO"  # Logging level for TMS
      port: 8383  # Port for the TMS service
      name: be-fa-tms-svc  # The name of the TMS service

Explanation of Fields

Field Description
image.repository Docker repository for the TMS image.
image.pullPolicy Image pull policy. Common values are Always, IfNotPresent, and Never.
image.tag Image tag.
docker.enabled Indicates whether Docker is enabled for TMS.
docker.replicas Number of replicas for TMS.
service.port Port on which the TMS service runs. Name of the TMS service.
loggingLevel Logging level for TMS. Common values are ERROR, WARNING, INFO, and DEBUG.

Worker Configuration


The worker configuration section in the values.yaml file specifies the settings for various worker components in Tracardi, including background workers, APM (Auto Profile Merging) profiles, and upgrade workers. This configuration includes Docker image details, replica settings, logging levels, and resource limits.

Configuration Fields

# Worker configuration
      repository: tracardi/background-worker  # Docker repository for the background worker image
      tag: 1.0.0  # Image tag for the background worker
      pullPolicy: IfNotPresent  # Image pull policy
    enabled: true  # Whether the background worker is enabled
    replicas: 1  # Number of replicas for the background worker
          - maxSkew: 1  # Maximum skew for topology spread
            topologyKey:  # Topology key for spread constraints
            whenUnsatisfiable: ScheduleAnyway  # Action to take when constraints are unsatisfiable
       wk-pl-background  # Label selector for spread constraints
      loggingLevel: "INFO"  # Logging level for the background worker
         # Data Bulker
         # The Data Bulker Configuration are setting for message bulker that is responsible for collecting messages and 
         # managing them for background storage operations.
         # It operates by enforcing two main constraints: a size limit, which is the maximum number of messages the queue can
         # hold, and a time limit, which dictates how long messages can remain in the queue. If either of these limits is
         # exceeded, the queued data is flushed to storage.
         # Additionally, if no new data arrives within a specified period of inactivity, a timeout is triggered that
         # automatically flushes any remaining data in the queue that has not yet been processed.
         maxTimeInBuffer: 5  # TimeLimit: Flush data to storage every X sec
         bufferInactivityTimeOut: 10000 # If there is no data in then flash remaining buffer to storage in X milliseconds
         minBatchSize: 200  # SizeLimit: Min number of messages in the queue buffer
         maxBatchSize: 1000  # SizeLimit: Max number of messages in the queue buffer

      repository: tracardi/apm  # Docker repository for the APM image
      tag: 1.0.0  # Image tag for the APM
      pullPolicy: IfNotPresent  # Image pull policy
      enabled: true  # Whether the APM profile is enabled
      replicas: 1  # Number of replicas for the APM profile
        loggingLevel: "INFO"  # Logging level for the APM profile

      repository: tracardi/update-worker  # Docker repository for the upgrade worker image
      tag: 1.0.0  # Image tag for the upgrade worker
      pullPolicy: IfNotPresent  # Image pull policy
      enabled: true  # Whether Docker is enabled
      replicas: 1  # Number of replicas for the upgrade worker
        saveLogs: "no"  # Whether to save logs
        loggingLevel: "INFO"  # Logging level for the upgrade worker
          memory: 500Mi  # Memory limit for the upgrade worker
          cpu: 500m  # CPU limit for the upgrade worker
Bridges Configuration


The bridges configuration section in the values.yaml file specifies the settings for the services responsible for collecting data from different channels. This includes the queue bridge configuration, detailing Docker image settings, enabling or disabling the bridge, setting the number of replicas, and logging levels. By default none standard bridges are disabled. You can safely remove this configuration form you local values.yaml file.

Configuration Fields

# Bridges configuration for services responsible for collecting data from different channels
      repository: tracardi/com-bridge-queue  # Docker repository for the queue bridge image
      tag: 1.0.0  # Image tag for the queue bridge
      pullPolicy: IfNotPresent  # Image pull policy
      enabled: false  # Whether Docker is enabled for the queue bridge
      replicas: 1  # Number of replicas for the queue bridge
        loggingLevel: "INFO"  # Logging level for the queue bridge

Explanation of Fields

Queue Bridge
Field Description
image.repository Docker repository for the queue bridge image.
image.tag Image tag for the queue bridge.
image.pullPolicy Image pull policy. Common values are Always, IfNotPresent, and Never.
docker.enabled Indicates whether Docker is enabled for the queue bridge.
docker.replicas Number of replicas for the queue bridge.
docker.config.loggingLevel Logging level for the queue bridge. Common values are ERROR, WARNING, INFO, and DEBUG.


Please override only the fields that needs to change in you local environment. Here is an example of such local 'values.yaml file.

# Dependencies

  host: elastic-std-svc.elastic-standalone.svc.cluster.local
  schema: http
  authenticate: true

  host: redis-master.redis.svc.cluster.local
  schema: "redis://"
  authenticate: true

  host: pulsar-proxy.pulsar.svc.cluster.local:6650
  api: http://pulsar-proxy.pulsar.svc.cluster.local:80
  schema: "pulsar://"
  authenticate: true

  host: percona-db-pxc-db-haproxy.percona.svc.cluster.local
  schema: "mysql+aiomysql://"
  database: "tracardi"

  host: be-fa-tms-svc.tracardi-com-090.svc.cluster.local

# Secrets

    token: "XXXX"
  dockerHub: "tracardi-dockerhub"
    licenseKey: "XXXX"
    secretKey: "XXXX"
    apiKey: "XXXX"
    password: "XXXX"
    token: "XXXX"
    username: "root"
    password: "XXXX"

# Networking

  loadBalancer: true

# Configuration

    multi: "yes"
  primaryId: "phm-"  # Use phone as primary ID key, This value should be set only once during installation and never changed

# Images and Versions

    tag: 1.0.0

    replicas: 1
      port: 48686

    replicas: 1
      port: 48585

    tag: 1.0.0
      port: 48787
      mode: "no-deployment"
      allowUpdatesOnProduction: "true"

    tag: 1.0.0
    replicas: 1
      port: 48383

# Workers


    enabled: true
      tag: 1.0.0
    replicas: 1

      tag: 1.0.0
      enabled: true
      replicas: 1

      tag: 1.0.0
      enabled: true
      replicas: 1