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What parameters should I tweak for production environment

Optimizing Tracardi for Production Environments

Tracardi is a powerful data platform capable of handling large volumes of event data and providing valuable insights into user behavior. However, to ensure optimal performance and scalability in production environments, it's crucial to carefully configure and tweak various parameters. This guide outlines the key considerations for optimizing Tracardi in production settings.

Event Volume and Traffic Spikes


In scenarios with high event volume or unpredictable traffic patterns, implementing a queueing system like Apache Kafka or RabbitMQ is essential. This prevents Tracardi from being overwhelmed during traffic surges, ensuring smooth event processing and system stability.


Consider batching events before sending them to Tracardi. Tracardi can efficiently process events in batches when they are grouped by profile. This reduces the number of individual event transmissions, improving overall throughput.

Event Size and Efficiency

Payload Optimization:

Minimize event payloads by removing unnecessary or redundant data. Smaller payloads reduce resource consumption, enhance processing speed, and minimize storage requirements.

Data Storage and Retention

Retention Policy:

Establish a data retention policy aligned with your specific needs. Longer retention periods increase query complexity, storage requirements, and data management overhead.

Elasticsearch Configuration:

Configure Elasticsearch to utilize hot and cold nodes for data storage. Hot nodes should store frequently accessed data, while cold nodes retain older, less frequently accessed data. Minimize querying cold nodes unless absolutely necessary.

Index Granularity:

Balance index granularity between performance and flexibility. Monthly indices offer more granular data storage but may impact query performance. Tracardi's configuration options allow you to fine-tune index granularity based on your specific requirements.

Resource Allocation and Scalability

Hardware Resources:

Allocate sufficient CPU cores, RAM, and disk space to handle expected event volumes and processing demands. Pay particular attention to Elasticsearch's shard and replica configuration, as these settings cannot be dynamically changed.

Distributed Deployment:

Consider deploying Tracardi in a distributed manner to scale horizontally and handle increasing workloads. Tracardi is a distributed system that relies on Elasticsearch, Redis, Apache Pulsar, and MySQL. Scale these components proportionally to your traffic volume.


Minimize unnecessary logging. Tracardi can generate extensive logs, including performance logs, profile field history, debugging logs, and system login logs. Configure logging to capture only essential information. For instance, when logging profile field changes, consider retaining them for a shorter duration.


In-Memory Caching:

Each Tracardi worker maintains in-memory caches to store frequently accessed data, reducing the need for repeated queries.

Monitoring and Performance Optimization

Continuous Monitoring:

Continuously monitor Tracardi's performance metrics, including event throughput, resource utilization, and query latency. Identify and address any performance bottlenecks promptly.

Performance Tuning:

Implement performance tuning techniques, such as caching, batch processing, and code optimization, to enhance efficiency and reduce processing overhead.